Specialist feline and internal medicine veterinary consulting services, content creation and expert lecturing

Samantha Taylor is an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine, an EBVS Specialist in Internal Medicine, Associate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Fellow of the RCVS. She is an honorary lecturer at Surrey Veterinary School and loves all things canine and feline!

Sam has lectured nationally and internationally on internal medicine topics and can provide bespoke teaching services for vets and vet nurses. She also offers private consultations for challenging cases.

Collaborations with animal health companies

Sam works with pharmaceutical and pet food companies to provide key opinion leader services, education and research collaborations

About Sam

Sam has over 20 years experience in the veterinary industry, in primary care and referral practice. She has worked for International Cat Care/International Society of Feline Medicine for many years as well as with corporate veterinary groups. She has published many papers and written book chapters and is passionate about animal physical and mental wellbeing

“Samantha's contributions have significantly shaped the landscape of veterinary care, earning her accolades and admiration from peers worldwide”

— Webinar Vet